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Home: Welcome
Advocates in Collaborative Education (ACE) was born from a tweet during #ASCO20 and is still forming.
We are a diverse and global group of cancer patient, research and policy advocates.
Our Mission is “To unite & empower advocates across the cancer spectrum through collaboration, education, and dissemination of leading practices,in an effort to improve outcomes of people living with a cancer diagnosis.”
Our strategy is to listen, share and learn with and from others about what is already working (or not working) in their communities and extending and expanding those elements to other cancer communities.
We share our knowledge & work together to solve really hard problems.
We acknowledge that one size fits no one but there is a lot to be learned from one another.
We respect the challenges each of us is dealing with and lift each other up.
We continue to welcome new members and, if you are interested in joining, please complete this form to be added to our group. If you would like to learn more, please email
Home: Who We Are
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"
William James
Home: Quote
Home: Contact
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